miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2010


One of my favourite songs in English is Kids. This song is created by MGMT (before named Management) and the singer is Andrew VanWyngarden. Nowadays this group isn’t very popular here in Catalonia. MGMT are from Tennessee (USE). This group was created in 2002 while two of its components were studying in the University of Connecticut. They started composing music with different styles until they arrived at “Psychodelic Pop”. Kits isn’t the most famous song of this group. This song is about kids (like the name says) but I don’t like the lyrics very much because they are very strange.
I like this song because the voice of the singer is nice and the music too. It’s a funny and catchy song. It’s important for me because when I hear this song I’m thrilled and I remember the last summer holidays. I like to listen to this song in all the moments and in all the places. I don`t like the general message of the song I only like the music . I think that these lyrics are complicated to understand, because I don’t find their meaning.
I don’t like the video clip of this song because it’s too strange like the lyrics. I suppose it because I don’t understand the lyrics either. In this videoclip the singer appears with his face painted white and black like one Venetian mask. While he is singing, in the video clip there appear a lot of images about people dancing without any relationship with the song.
In conclusion, I like this song although the lyrics and the video clip are so strange.

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